The German Ambassadors

The German Department would like to thank the German Ambassadors for all their hard work in the last few months. They took on the challenge to prepare and deliver German lessons to a number of classes.

Year 9 students taught Year 8 students a session on German word order in more complex sentence structures. The Year 10 GCSE Ambassadors introduced the Past Tense to Year 9. They all did a fantastic job which will be repeated soon!

All lessons were very well received, and everybody involved enjoyed the experience.

The German Ambassadors also presented a number of assemblies centred around traditional German festivities, including The St.Martin Laternenzug / lanternwalk and St.Nikolaus on the 6th December.

Traditionally St.Nikolaus or his little helpers reward all those who have been well behaved throughout the year with chocolate treats.

The German Department would like to wish all the students and parents a “Frohe Weihnachten und Alles Gute für 2022”.