At the Leigh UTC, we pride ourselves on preparing young people for all aspects of adult life. Our approach to Relationships and Sex Education is summarised clearly in our RSE Policy. In addition, we have trained all staff to deliver our Healthy Minds curriculum during tutor times to all students.
Healthy Minds
In every year group, we use the Bounce Forward Resilience Programme to actively teach our students the skills of resilience and perseverance. Below you will find an outline of the topics covered in each year group. These supplement our Personal Development programme, and are delivered by teachers as part of our PSHE offer.
- Bounce Forward Resilience Skills
- Social Media Investigated (Media Navigator)
- Drug Education (Prescription drugs use and misuse)
- Bounce Forward Resilience Revisited
- From School to Life
- Social Media investigated (Media Influence)
- Sex Ed Sorted (Part 1)
- Drug Education (Alcohol use and misuse)
- Bounce Forward Resilient Relationships
- Drug Education (Illegal Drugs)
- Sex Ed Sorted (Part 2)
- Bounce Forward Resilient Decisions
- Mental Illness Investigated
- Bounce Forward Strengths and Energy
- Bounce Forward Me at my Best
- Bounce Forward Resilient Learners
PSHE Curriculum
Being a UTC Learner
- Learning Skills
- Making Friends
- Role Models
- Target Setting
ATL: Self Management: Organisation – setting goals, manage materials.
Having UTC Values
- Learning Skills
- Collaboration and teamwork
- Leadership
- Communicating ideas
ATL: Social: Collaboration – listen to others, show empathy, respect and support, demonstrate leadership.
Being part of a Community
- Community: prejudice, discrimination and anti-bullying
- Respectful relationships – respect and friendship
- Peer pressure
- Consent
ATL: Social: Collaboration – be responsible, build consensus and resolve conflict
My Future
- The World of Work
- Careers
- Skills for Work
ATL: Social: Collaboration – be responsible, build consensus and resolve conflict
Being Balanced
- Healthy Lifestyles
- Health Services
- Drugs awareness (pharmaceutical drugs)
- Families
ATL: Social: Collaboration – be responsible and advocate for yourself.
Staying Safe
- Avoiding Risky Situations
- Managing Peer Pressure
- Puberty and Wellbeing
- What is crime?
ATL: Critical Thinking Skills – evaluate risks
- What is citizenship?
- Active citizens
- Why do we need rules?
- What does fairness mean?
- Democracy
ATL: Social: Collaboration – listen to others, show empathy, respect and support others
My Connections
- Respectful Relationships: stereotypes and bullying
- Families: stable relationships
ATL: Social: Collaboration – build consensus and resolve conflict
The Wider World
- Finance Awareness
- Careers
- Children’s Rights
- What can we do about global problems?
ATL: Thinking: Transfer – inquire, Critical Thinking – problem solve
Making Responsible Choices
- Personal Safety
- Healthy Lifestyles
- Tobacco and Alcohol
- First Aid
- Mental Wellbeing: recognising concerns
- Vaccinations
ATL: Social: Collaboration – be responsible and advocate for yourself
Managing Risk
- Online safety
- Peer Pressure
- Puberty
- Evaluating
- Summer safety (including sun safety)
ATL: Social: Collaboration – be responsible and advocate for yourself
- The Equality Act 2010
- Equality vs Equity
- Discrimination
- Equality in the UK
- A fairer society
- Why do people move around the world?
ATL: Thinking: Creative Thinking – connect ideas
PSHE: Making Safe Choices
- Mental Wellbeing: common types of ill health
- Drugs education
- Illegal drugs
- Managing influence
- Dependence and addiction
- Risk taking
- Financial Literacy (gambling awareness)
- Gangs
ATL: Research: Media Literacy – seek multiple perspectives, Self Management – consider implications of choices
PSHE: My Future Pathways
- Goals and Aspirations
- Careers
- GCSE Options
- Enterprise
- Service
ATL: Self Management: Organisation – plan, set goals, identify strategies, take action
PSHE: Community Project
- Rights and responsibilities
- Exploring community needs
- Planning and designing a project
- Implementing ideas
- Reflection and evaluation
ATL: Thinking: Creative Thinking – problem solve, Research – evaluate and select information, sources and digital tools, Self Management – be self motivated.
GCSE Mindset
- Goals and aspirations
- Effective Time Management
- Mind and Memory
- Importance of Sleep
- Managing Peer Pressure
- Study Skills
ATL: Self Management: Organisation – setting goals, manage materials.
Making Healthy Choices
- Habits and risky behaviours
- Finance and budgets (gambling awareness)
- Finding services for support
- Revisiting Drugs and alcohol
- Healthy coping strategies
- Healthy lifestyles: diet, exercise
- Finance and budgets (gambling awareness)
- Relationships and making healthy decisions
ATL: Thinking: Critical Thinking – evaluate risks
Preparing for the Future
- Careers: what jobs are out there?
- How will my GCSE grades match up?
- What options are available for Post 16?
- How to revise for PPEs
- Reflections and Evaluation
- Revisit GCSE Mindset
ATL: Self Management: Reflective Skills – Develop new skills, techniques and strategies, Identify areas of growth and areas for improvement.
Building for the future
- Ambition and expectation
- Worry
- Stress
- Self esteem
Post 16: What Are My Options?
- What do I want to achieve?
- How can I get there?
- What is the best option for me?
Revision and Support