COVID Catch-Up Funding Statement 2020/21


Total number of pupils on roll – Autumn Census 631
Total Covid Allocation  Year 7 Catch Up Premium                     £11,875

Chromebook allocation                        £8,562

Bespoke interventions and support   £23,095

Total £43,531



  • Literacy and numeracy skills
  • Understanding the ability of new Y7s without SATS scores
  • Health and wellbeing
  • Attendance 

KS4:     Y10 & Y11 

  • Gaps in curriculum identified by DOLs
  • Gaps identified by data drops 
  • Health and wellbeing
  • Careers support / next steps
  • Deliver a full revision technique program for students and parents.

KS5:   Y12 & Y13  

  • Gaps in curriculum identified by DOLs
  • Gaps identified by data drops 
  • Destination support
  • Deliver a full revision technique program for students and parents. 


Catch-Up Funding Initiatives
Year Group  Actions  Intended impact  Cost
Y7 – 11 Star literacy and numeracy testing for all KS3 students. 

Star reading testing across KS3 and 4

Star numeracy age tests

Identify the ability of all our Y7 students.

Y7 ability groups to be set for the beginning of Module 3 preceding MYP assessments during Module 2. Support interventions to improve reading and numeracy age, repeat testing every module.

Y11  Baseline testing for all Y11s Identify gaps in knowledge that have developed during lockdown. 

Plan interventions based on the outcome of baseline testing both in class and after school. 

Y11  Lesson 6 added to all Y11s TT starting from Module 2 for English, Maths and Science delivered by subject specialist staff.  Provide students with ample opportunities to close gaps in their learning.  Resource costs  £1000
Y11  Half term Interventions delivered by subject specialist teachers for all core subjects.  Provide students with ample opportunities to close gaps in their learning.  £30 per hour

3 X half term

£2,400 Approx

Y10-11 Electronic revision guides for all students in Y10 and Y11s. This will support tracking home learning and revision for the exam subjects for Y11s and prepare Y10s for their exam next year for their GCSEs.  £400 Approx

Possibly KS5

Seneca subscription – the free version does not have full access to all subject’s content. 

Invest in Seneca Premium package and roll this out ready for Module 3.

Seneca allows interactive PPTs, quizzes and a variety of bespoke revision material for the students which they can work on at their own pace.

It also provides class by class and student by student analysis for each topic which is quite useful for teachers to track home learning and revision progress for each student.  

About 3K – we will need to investigate further. 
Y10-11 Additional learning mentors – depending on subject requirements.  Targeting borderline students to achieve a Level 4. 

1:1 or small group interventions. 

Mentoring support has been quite effective with our students in the past few years. 

Daily rate £75 
Y7-11 Purchase mini whiteboards and pens for all students This is a good resource to use in the classroom to gather student understanding about a particular topic for example and works well with regards to social distancing rules within a classroom setting.  £2,000
Y12-13 Saturday/ Sunday revision sessions for targeted students delivered by staff. To close the gaps in their learning due to lockdown school closure. 

This will also help subjects with coursework as BTEC subjects are behind with this. 

Hourly rate £30
Y12-13 Electronic revision guides / text for all students in Y12 and Y13s. This will support tracking home learning and revision for the exam subjects for Y13s and prepare Y12s for their exam next year based on their pathway choices.  Need to investigate
Y13 Lesson 6 & 7 interventions  Provide students with ample opportunities to close gaps in their learning.  Nil
Y7-13 Identify students with no access to an electronic device/Wi-Fi This will mean that more students have access to a device in school and at home. Either supply or provide hard copies of work Wi-Fi dongle £30 per month

Chromebook £250

Y7 Small group interventions for Y7 students for those with low reading ages with the support of LSA / librarian during tutor time. The students will benefit from small group work and they should be able to make quick progress. 

Retest these students after the interventions have taken place to analyse the data again to measure impact.

Y7-11 Purchase classroom visualisers for all classrooms. This will support high quality T&L as these will enable staff to model from the front of the classroom.  £40 each
Y7-10 Purchase additional tutor reading book sets to broaden the menu of books available. Students are exposed to a greater number of words and challenging texts. This will help students to develop wider and more appropriate vocabulary range to use across the curriculum.  20 tutor groups.  Approx £1000
Y7-10 SEND coordinator involvement Testing of SEN & EHCP students using Accelerated reader and Lexile £2000
Y11 & 13 Breakfast clubs – HAP students  The students would benefit from small group interventions to make rapid progress and would enable them to achieve higher grades for the core subjects.  Breakfast resources £1000
Y7-11 Initiate the student coaching model  This will help students to adjust well in the new school routines.  Nil
Y11 & 13 Deliver a full revision technique program and include support sessions for the parents as well.  This will teach revision techniques to our students for their mocks and summer examinations. 

Parents will also benefit from this as this program will enable them to support their child at home. 

£1500 each session

£99 for parents support package

Y7-11 Leaders to track and monitor catch up strategies. Closely looking at low effort/high impact and continuously refining practice to ensure learning gaps are closed in the most effective and timely manner.  QFT remains the most effective strategy for closing the gaps. Focuses on sequencing.  Nil
Y7-11 Access the NTP (National Tutoring Program) to ensure targeted support for all students. The students who benefit from NTP will have their progress tracked by key assessment points such as mocks.  £4000
Y10 & 11 Tassomai is an online platform, and can be accessed via any browser, smartphones or tablets.  The algorithm monitors a student’s progress and questions they are good/poor at and this impacts the repetition of these questions.

The idea is that students complete a “Daily goal” which initially starts at round 35 questions. If any students completes 80% of the total content then they will be guaranteed a grade 5 come exam result. Progress and engagement is tracked by teachers.

Y7 – 11 Access to the online platform Hegarty maths. This can be accessed via any browser, smartphone or tablet. The programme includes both instructional videos and assessments allowing  students to work independently on key topics identified through the curriculum review. It also allows for a blended learning approach if students need to work remotely. £1000
Y 7 – 11 Positive behaviour and well being programmes delivered by external organisations. Using the strengthening minds programme to support students raise their self esteem and well being to help transition fully back to education. £2595.00