Parents’ guide to attendance and lateness
The Leigh UTC and Inspiration Academy believes that excellent attendance and punctuality is the key for our student’s success. We work with parents to ensure that attendance and punctuality are at the highest they can possibly be in order to prepare our students for their future life. Pupils cannot achieve their full potential if they do not regularly attend school. Good attendance at the Leigh UTC is not just beneficial, it’s essential. We expect all our students to have an attendance of 95% or above.
Make everyday count towards success
Why is attendance so important?
All parents want their child to succeed in life. Nowadays, it is more important to have a good education to have better opportunities in adult life. Children only have one chance at school, therefore poor attendance could affect their future.
If your child does not attend school regularly they may:
- Struggle to keep up with schoolwork
- Miss out on important pieces of knowledge
- Miss out on the social side of school life
- Fail their exams due to missing knowledge
Attendance Rewards
Every week we hold an in-house attendance competition for each year group. The tutor group with the highest attendance score gets awarded positive points and will get an extra 15 minutes at lunchtime. Each term the tutor group with the highest attendance score will be invited to attend a breakfast with the Head.
Students who achieve 100% attendance during the term will be awarded a 100% attendance certificate.
At the end of the year, there are various reward trips for students. To be eligible, your attendance will need to be 95% or above, unless there are exceptional circumstances.
Success is achieved by those who attend
Leigh Academies Trust and The Leigh UTC are committed to providing a full and efficient educational experience to all students and recognises this can only be achieved by supporting and promoting excellent school attendance for all.

Reporting your child’s absence
The parents / carers of any children who are absent must notify The Leigh UTC before 8.25am by calling 01322 626600 and choosing Option 1: Student absence.
Please leave a message stating your child’s full name, year group, reason for absence, nature of illness. You will need to make contact with us on every subsequent day that your child is absent from school. You can email:, text 07860054465 or call The Leigh UTC on 01322 626600 and select the option to communicate your child being absent from school.
Help your child be prepared and ready for school using these tips:
- Getting to school unprepared can be a major worry for children. Help your child pack their school bag and lay out their uniform the night before,
- Tired children are not punctual and find it hard to learn so ensure that they have a sensible bedtime,
- Help your child get into a regular routine by setting an alarm at the same time every morning,
- Make time for breakfast so that there is no stopping at shops where children may get side-tracked,
- Have a notice board or calendar at home for special trips or activities. This will help you and your child be prepared
Ensure they attend school on time every day
Students should be on site for no later than 8.25am, this gives them 5 minutes to get to line up where the morning register is taken. Any students arriving at school after 8.30am will be marked late. If students are late to school they will receive a 40-minute detention after school. You will also receive a text to inform you that your child has been late to school. Students that are regularly late will be dealt with more seriously.
Make appointments outside of school time. Please try to make routine appointments (e.g. doctors, dentists, opticians) after 3.30pm or at weekends. If there are times when appointments in school time are necessary, please contact school to inform the Attendance Team in advance and ensure your son/daughter brings in evidence of the appointment (e.g. appointment card, letter). Students should not be absent for the full day, we expect them to be in school before/after the appointment.
What can you do to help your child attend regularly?
If you suspect that your child is missing school or is unhappy at school, contact the school immediately so that you can work with them to resolve the difficulties.
- The longer you leave it the worse it can become!
Make sure your child understands that you do not approve of their poor attendance, but be alert to any reasons why they are not attending such as bullying or problems with school work. If you know of any reasons, contact the school immediately.
- There is no point agreeing to non-attendance!
If your child is ill or absent for any other reason, contact the school on the first day of absence and each day after.
- Keep in contact!
Follow the school’s procedures for notifying absence, either by leaving a message or talking to somebody.
- Let us know!
Co-operate with any support that the school can offer you. Attend all parent days or evenings to talk with the staff.
- We are here to help!
Take an interest in your child’s education. Ask them about their day at school, praise and encourage them, even if it is only for going to school.
There is always time to listen!
Your Legal Responsibility
If your child does not attend school regularly (over 90%) the Local Authority can take action against you. This can be through a Fixed Penalty Notice (a fine) or a summons to appear at a Magistrates Court. Penalty notices can now be used for a range of attendance related offences; including unauthorised term-time holidays, poor attendance and poor punctuality. If absent, students should not be away from the home during school time.