Candidate advice
You will receive all of this information on your individual candidate timetable. Once you have received your individual candidate timetable:
- Please check it carefully and report any concerns to the Examinations Manager or your subject teacher(s)
- Keep it safe and bring it along with you on the day of your exams so you know your room, seat number and candidate number.
Morning exams start at 8:45am prompt
Afternoon exams start at 1:30pm prompt
You need to arrive at least 15 minutes before the start of your exam.
- Yourself
- Your exam timetable so you know which exam room to go to and which seat to sit in
- You may bring a bottle of water in a clear bottle with no label
- Mobile phone, iPad, iPod/MP3 player or other data or communication device
- Food, unless you are diabetic in which case please speak to the Examinations Manager before your exams about this
- Your coat and bag. These need to be left outside the exam room, preferably in your locker.
If at all possible you should attend the examination
If you are unable to due to serious illness you must inform the call the college’s reception in the usual way, but also informing them that you are due to sit an exam
For serious illness you should endeavour to obtain a letter from your doctor and return it to the Examinations Office within 5 days of the exam
Do not panic!
Make sure you telephone the college and ask to speak to the Examinations Manager to explain and give your estimated time of arrival
On arrival you must report to reception and explain that you are late for your exam but that the Examinations Manager is aware
No. Candidates leaving early can cause a disturbance that is unfair to others in the exam.
Results and certificates
Students who are unable to collect results in person may nominate somebody else, such as parent or friend, to do so on their behalf. The nominated person must bring a signed letter from the student giving permission and their own photographic ID.
Nominated Collections
- Students who would like to nominate someone to collect on their behalf, will need to provide a signed letter stating the full name of who will be collecting (not “mum/dad”).
- All nominated collectors will need to provide ID and a copy of the signed letter, on the day of collection, otherwise it will not be released.
- Students can email their letters directly to the Exams Office, but it will only be accepted from their school email address, not personal emails.
Posted Results
- Students who would like their results to be posted, will need to provide a signed letter and also state where to post them to.
- Students can email this information directly to the Exams Office, but it will only be accepted from their school email address, not personal emails.
Uncollected Examination Results
Any results not collected on results day may be collected from the college during normal opening hours.
Examination Certificates
Post results services
The following Post Results Services are available from the examination boards:
You can ask for a priority copy of your exam script(s) before deciding whether to ask for a re-mark. You may instead ask for a non-priority copy of your exam script for general interest but, if you do, you cannot ask for a re-mark later.
You can ask for a full clerical check of your exam script. A check will be made to see that all parts of your script have been marked, that the marks on the script have been correctly totalled and correctly recorded.
Whether initially you request your script or not you may apply to have your exam paper re-marked by a senior examiner if you feel an error has been made. A full clerical check will also be made. Please note: Priority Re-marks are only available to Year 13 students whose place in higher education is dependent upon the outcome.