UTC Careers Programme

Careers Lead: Richard Merry (careers@theleighutc.org.uk)

Vision and Commitment

Our vision is to empower students and enable them to make decision about their future in the following ways;

  • Raise their aspirations
  • Challenge stereotypical thinking
  • Broaden their knowledge and awareness of the wide range of career options and study pathways available 
  • Offer independent and unbiased careers education information, advice and guidance (CEIAG)

With a strong belief in the International Baccalaureate Learner Profile, we encourage the personal and professional development of all our students. 

The Leigh UTC achieved the reassessment Investors in Careers Accreditation in January 2019. This will be reviewed in January 2022.

We are fully committed to ensuring quality careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG) and adhere to the Gatsby Benchmarks.

Our vision is to empower students to make inspirational, independent, impartial decisions by imparting knowledge of all future options within the confines of Career Education Information Advice and Guidance (CEIAG).

The Leigh UTC achieved Level 3 of Investors in Careers Accreditation in January 2019.

Careers Learning Programme

The Leigh UTC has an exciting, varied and well-planned careers programme that aims to prepare students for their future. It is designed to help them learn more about different sectors and job roles, with an emphasis on STEM careers. It will also help them to know more about the different study pathways available.

Talent Acquisition Pipelines

The UTC’s vision to prepare STEM professionals for the future is delivered through planned and guided opportunities for our students.  These are shown by year group on our Talent Acquisition Pipelines.

Details of developmental pathways by year group is available here.

Module 1

DWP – What Are My Skills
Big Bang competition / Industry Project
Kent University – Past Achievements, Future Goals
World Space week

Module 2

National Rail & Sparshatts
Thames Water assembly (World Mental Health Day)
Lego League Challenge

Module 3

Faraday Challenge Day competition
Transitions Project – University of Kent

National Apprenticeship Week:
What is an apprenticeship? – assembly (ASK)
Industry & sustainable development goal day
Tutor time apprenticeship activities

Module 4

Sport Relief
Armed Forces assembly
Communication Skills – (NCW)
Financial Literacy Day workshops
International Women & Women in Engineering assembly

Module 5

Exam focus / IB Learner Profile

Module 6

World Water Day
Industry & Innovation assemblies / workshops
University Creative Arts workshops
Multi-Industry Project Day

Module 1

Big Bang competition / Industry Project
World Space week
Mindfulness workshop

Module 2

Tomorrow’s Engineers week -Cory Energy Engineering for a cleaner world
Lego League Challenge
Thames Water assembly (World Mental Health Day)
Build a University – KamCop
Mindfulness workshop

Module 3

DWP workshops – Professional Relationships

National Apprenticeship Week:
What is an apprenticeship? – assembly (ASK)
Faraday Challenge Day competition

Module 4

International Women & Women in Engineering
World Book Day
Bletchley Park Trip
Communication Skills (NCW)
Armed forces assembly
Financial Literacy Day

Module 5

Exam focus / IB Learner Profile
Kent University trip

Module 6

World Water Day
Industry & Innovation assemblies / workshops
University Creative Arts workshops
Multi-Industry Project Day

Module 1

Launch Leigh Aspire Programme (M1-6)
Big Bang competition / Industry Project
World Space Week

Module 2

DWP workshops
Tomorrow’s Engineers week – SEM visit
Lego League Challenge
Mindfulness (World Mental Health Day)

Module 3

National Apprenticeship Week – SEM assembly and Network Rail departments in a company
DWP workshops – Professional Relationships
Faraday Challenge Day competition

Module 4

Female Engineering Industry carousel
World Book Day
Bletchley Park Trip
National Careers Week – careers carousel
Financial Literacy Day
Options Event

Module 5

Exam focus / IB Learner Profile

Module 6

World Water Day
Industry & Innovation assemblies / workshops
University Creative Arts workshops
Multi-Industry Project Day

Module 1

Launch Leigh Aspire Programme (M1-6)
Big Bang competition / Industry Project
World Space Week

Module 2

Mindfulness (World Mental Health Day)
National Citizenship Service assembly
Tomorrow’s Engineers Week: National Grid &
University of Greenwich workshops

Module 3

National Apprenticeship Week – Q&A with ASK
Employability Skills Workshops (M3-6)
Faraday Challenge Day competition

Module 4

Royal Naval Engineering Challenge
World Book Day
International Women & Women in Engineering
National Careers Week – Communication Skills
Financial Literacy Day
Armed Forces assembly

Module 5

IAG interviews (information, advice and guidance)
Launch tailored support programme

Module 6

Industry & Innovation workshops
Routes to Success week: Post-16 Options
WEX placements – virtual
IAG interviews (information, advice and guidance)
World Water Day
University Creative Arts workshops

Module 1

IAG interviews and group work (Modules 1-4)
Big Bang competition / Industry Project
World Space Week
CEIAG workshop by KCC / Education People (M1-4)

Module 2

Employability Skills workshops
Sevenoaks School HE event
UTC Post-16 Options assembly
Kent Choices event
National Citizenship Service assembly
IAG interviews and group work (Modules 1-4)
Tomorrow’s Engineers Week – National Grid
Mental Health & Wellbeing assembly (ESO)

Module 3

National Apprenticeships Week – Education People eve
UTC Apprenticeship assembly
IAG interviews and group work (Modules 1-4)
Faraday Challenge Day competition
Arkwright’s Scholarships assembly
Support with Post-16 applications
NCS assembly

Module 4

World Book Day
International Women’s Day & Women in Engineering
IAG interviews and group work (Modules 1-4)
Royal Naval Engineering Challenge
Armed Forces assembly
National Careers Week – Communication Skills
Financial Literacy Day

Module 5


Module 6

Enrollment for Post-16
Results Day – support and guidance
University Creative Arts workshops
Multi-Industry Project Day
World Water Day
Industry & Innovation assemblies / workshops

Module 1

Launch Leigh Aspire Programme (M1-6)
Big Bang competition / Industry Project
World Space week
IBCP Professional Skills yr 12-13
Work Experience (Year 12-13, every Wed, M1-6)

Module 2

Tomorrow’s Engineers Week – Thames Water
University of Kent Engineering workshops
World Mental Health Day
National Citizenship Service assembly
Mental Health & Wellbeing assembly (ESO)
University of Greenwich EPQ sessions

Module 3

University of Greenwich EPQ sessions
UTC Apprenticeship assembly
Faraday Challenge Day competition
IAG interviews
STEM Career Pathway assembly
NCS follow-up assembly
Royal Naval Challenge
Arkwright’s Scholarships assembly

Module 4

Routes to Success -post-18 options (Careers Week)
IAG interviews
Financial Literacy Day
Armed Forces assembly
Baker’s Award workshop
International Women’s Day & Women in Engineering
University visits (self-arranged, ongoing)

Module 5

Trip to Canterbury Christ Church University

Module 6

Year 13 Transition activities
World Water Day
University Creative Arts workshops
Multi-Industry Project Day

Module 1

Business Breakfast
University Workshop
Big Bang competition / Industry Project
UCAS Personal Statement
World Space Week

Module 2

Mental Health & Wellbeing assembly (ESO)
University workshops
Tomorrow’s Engineers Week – Kent University
Degree apprenticeship workshop

Module 3

National Apprenticeship Week:
Apprenticeship application support (ASK)
Royal Naval Challenge
EPQ Presentations
IAG interviews and applications support
Faraday Challenge Day competition

Module 4

Application support (IAG)
National Careers Week – Communication Skills
Financial Literacy Day
Armed Forces assembly
International Women’s Day & Women in Engineering

Module 5

Revision and Exams

Module 6

Exam Results – support and guidance


Intended destinations questionnaire

Launch WEX (years 12 and 13)

Investor in Careers review:

(Principal, Careers Lead, Careers Learning Manager)

Weekly Career meetings – Careers Lead / Principal

Kent Participation Meeting (tri-monthly)

Business Breakfast

Careers Leaders Forum

Kent CEIAG meeting (bi-monthly across year)

Training Needs Analysis (careers)

Business Award dinner

Launch WEX (year 10)

Year 11 parent / teacher evening

Careers Check-in meeting with Principal

Professional Development training (careers)

Applications support

Start using Tracker and update compass report

PPE exams

Careers Leaders Forum

Intended destinations data submit to KCC

Collect and Review feedback from all stakeholders

Business Breakfast

CEIAG support for GCSE options

National Apprenticeship Week

Careers Check-in meeting with Principal

Collect & review feedback from stakeholders

National Careers Week

CEIAG support for GCSE options

Year 12 Routes to Success week (post-18 options)

Sept Guarantee data

Alumni / Linked-In (year 13)

Careers Check-in meeting with Principal

Collect intended destinations data (year 10)

Annual Careers Programme 2020/21 review

Review feedback from all stakeholders (final)

Conduct Subject Audit

Careers Leaders Forum

Exams – and intended destinations questionnaires

Finalise Careers Programme 21-22

Year 10 Routes To Success Week: Post-16 Options


A stable careers programme

Every school should have an embedded programme of career education and guidance that is known and understood by students, parents, teachers, governors and employers.

Learning from career and labour market

Every student and their parents should have access to good quality information about future study options and labour market opportunities. They will need the support of an informed advisor to make the best use of available information.

Addressing the needs of each student

Students have different career guidance needs at different stages. Opportunities for advice and support needs to be tailored to the needs of each student. A school’s career programme should embed quality and diversity considerations throughout.

Linking curriculum learning to

All teachers should link curriculum learning with careers. STEM subjects should highlight their relevance for a wide range of future career paths.

Encounters with employers and employees

Every student should have multiple opportunities to learn from employers about work, employment and the skills that are valued in the workplace. This can be through a range of enrichment activities, including speakers, mentoring and enterprise schemes.

Experiences of workplaces

Every student should have first-hand experience of the workplace through work visits, work shadowing and/or work experience to help their exploration of career opportunities and to expand their networks.

Encounters with further and higher education

All students should understand the full range of learning opportunities that are available to them. This includes both academic and vocational routes and learning in schools, colleges, universities and in the workplace.

Personal guidance

Every student should have opportunities for guidance interviews with a Careers Advisor, who could be internal (a member of school staff) or external, provided they are trained to an appropriate level. These should be available whenever significant study or career choices are.

LAT Careers Learning Strategy Mission Statement 2019-2022

We aim to provide all pupils, in all of our academies, with a stable programme of inspirational and transformative work-related experiences (WREs) and opportunities, in order to develop essential employability skills so that they can reach their full potential. The LAT Careers Learning Strategy is underpinned by the embedding of the International Baccalaureate (IB) curriculum across the Trust, which aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who are motivated to succeed.

Collaboration with each of our academies and external partners is at the heart of our careers learning strategy to help us to provide invaluable work-related experiences with employers and employees. It is imperative that careers learning and work-related experiences are embedded within the curriculum, with teachers from all year groups and subject areas being committed to teaching and learning in the context of the real world.

Using the Gatsby Benchmarks for Good Career Guidance, Careers Leaders in all academies should strive to provide a varied source of provision to pupils of all ages, which is relevant to the local labour market.

We are proud of the personalised approach we take towards providing tailored careers experiences for individuals and targeted groups of pupils. Impartial advice and guidance from a trained professional for all secondary students, at key transition points, supports our pupils to make informed decisions about their next steps.

Provider Access and Careers Policy

Contact Us

We welcome all feedback from students, parents / carers, staff and other stakeholders with regard to our Careers Page and Careers Programme, so please get in touch if you have any comments, queries or suggestions. 

The Leigh UTC has a Careers Advisor who is available by email: careers@theleighutc.org.uk