Year 7 Transition Arrangements
The UTC considers the transition from primary to secondary school to be very important and works hard to make each child’s move successful. Transition is not just about the first day of school in September but a process that takes a number of months, both in the summer term before the children transfer and in the months afterwards. The UTC believes that the support that is put into transition and working with parents makes it easier for children to settle in and make the most of the opportunities that the school has to offer. The Local Authority contacts all parents regarding the allocation of places. During the summer term, the school writes to all parents who have been successful in being allocated a place at The Leigh UTC. During the summer term before the new children start at The Leigh UTC a whole day is set aside in July for ‘Transition Week’. Students who have secured a place at the academy are invited to spend four days experiencing what it is like to be a student at The Leigh UTC. They have a number of lessons with staff in different subject areas and have a chance to experience lunchtime and sample food in the school restaurant. Students with special needs or who have been identified by primary schools to be particularly anxious or vulnerable may be invited to come into school for an additional visit – sometimes with a member of staff from their primary school. On the Thursday afternoon of ‘Transition Week’ parents are invited to the school in the evening to meet key staff and to put names to faces so we can get to know each other. Whilst this is usually an opportunity for parents to meet their child’s Personal Development Mentor (PD Mentor) , if the mentor is not yet a member of staff at the academy an experienced teacher will meet the parents. An important part of the school’s success in the transition process is the input from the (Student Support Manager) SSM for Year 7. She liaises closely with primary schools and meets staff. She will also hold coffee mornings for parents with a question and answer session. Parents may also ask to meet the Key Stage 3 SENCo at this meeting if they have specific concerns that they wish to share. This meeting is a vital link between the school and parents. The school arranges a number of opportunities for parents to find out about their child’s experiences at school once term has started in September. During the first term, the school hosts a Parent’s Evening. Later in the term, parents will be invited to come to the school to meet form tutors and see how their child has settled at the school. The school also issues progress checks during the year. If at any time parents wish to discuss their child’s progress or concerns with how s/he is settling in, then they are encouraged to contact the child’s PD Mentor in the first instance.