Year 13 BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Business
Unit 4: Managing an Event
Learners will work as part of a small group to plan, coordinate and manage a business or social enterprise event and evaluate the skills gained
Learning aims:
- A – Explore the role of an event organiser
- B – Investigate the feasibility of a proposed event
- C – Develop a detailed plan for a business or social enterprise event
- D – Stage and manage a business or social enterprise event
- E – Reflect on the running of the event and evaluate own skills development
Unit 5: International Business
Learners study how UK businesses develop strategies to trade globally. Learners will also consider the factors that influence the implementation of these strategies
Learning aims:
- A – Explore the international context for business operations
- B – Investigate the international economic environment in which business operates
- C – Investigate the external factors that influence international businesses
- D – Investigate the cultural factors that influence international businesses
- E – Examine the strategic and operational approaches to developing international trade.
Unit 6: Principles of Management
This unit enables learners to understand how the role of management and leadership in the workplace contributes towards business success.
Assessment outcomes:
- AO1 – Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of management and leadership principles, concepts, key terms, functions and theories
- AO2 – Apply knowledge and understanding of management and leadership issues to real-life business scenarios
- AO3 – Analyse and evaluate management information and data, demonstrating the ability to interpret the potential impact and influence on business effectiveness in context
- AO4 – Be able to recommend management and leadership proposals in context with appropriate justification, using a range of evidence to support arguments
Unit 27: Work Experience in Business
Learners study the benefits of work experience in business. They reflect on their practical workplace skills by completing forty hours of appropriate work experience.
Learning aims:
- A – Investigate opportunities for work-related learning
- B – Carry out work experience in an appropriate and safe manner
- C – Reflect on work experience undertaken and its influence on own personal and professional development.