Please click on the following links to view the letters sent regarding lesson plans for the upcoming strike day on Thursday 2nd March 2023:
Dear Parents/Carers,
We are writing to you in regards to the strike day on Thursday 2nd March. To ensure that your child continues to receive the richest learning experiences, we will be delivering lessons online to Years 7-10.
The online sessions for Years 7-10 will be on Thursday 2nd March 2023: 08:45-15:15.
In order to support our students, we recommend that there is a quiet workspace for them to sit with a desk/table so that they can work effectively and free from distractions. They will need all their equipment for these lessons.
Year 10
Business Studies – there will be no controlled assessments on Thursday. The controlled assessments will now take place on Monday and Tuesday during your normal lessons.
- 08:45 to 09:00 – Study Skills
- 09:00 to 09:50 – English
- 10:05 to 10:55 – Maths
- 11:10 to 11:30 – Break
- 11:30 to 12:20 – Science
- 12:30 to 13:25 – Options 2
- 13:40 to 14:10 – Lunch
- 14:10 to 15:00 – Options 1
Year 9
- 08:45 to 09:00 – Assembly
- 09:00 to 09:50 – Science
- 10:05 to 10:55 – English
- 11:10 to 11:30 – Break
- 11:30 to 12:20 – Maths
- 12:30 to 13:25 – PE
- 13:40 to 14:10 – Lunch
- 14:10 to 15:00 – Computing
Year 8
- 08:45 to 09:00 – Assembly
- 09:00 to 09:50 – English
- 10:05 to 10:55 – Maths
- 11:10 to 11:30 – Break
- 11:30 to 12:20 – Science
- 12:30 to 13:25 – Computing
- 14:40 to 14:10 – Lunch
- 14:10 to 15:00 – PE
Year 7
- 08:45 to 09:00 – Assembly
- 09:00 to 09:50 – Science
- 10:05 to 10:55 – English
- 11:10 to 11:30 – Break
- 11:30 to 12:20 – Maths
- 12:30 to 13:25 – History
- 13:40 to 14:10 – Lunch
- 14:10 to 15:00 – PE
Students will follow the timetable above with lessons starting promptly at 08:45 and finishing at 15:15. Students will be able to access their online lessons via the Google Meet link in through their Google Classrooms (by using the class codes that can be found at the bottom of this letter).
Year 7-10 Instructions for Live Online Lessons
- Your lessons will be streamed live through Google Meet and will follow the timetable above. Enter the class codes below to join the scheduled lesson for your year group. If the link appears not to work, keep trying every couple of minutes since it will only work once your teacher is online.
- Your camera and microphone must be off when you join the lesson. If you would like to ask a question, use the ‘chat’ box.
- Your teacher will not speak for the entire lesson but in the same format as face to face lessons will provide you with activities to complete in relation to your learning. Do not leave the Google Meet until your lesson is over. If you need help with your work, leave a message in the ‘chat’ box.
- You will need the normal learning equipment expected in the classroom to complete the work set. However, your teacher might direct you to resources on the Google Classroom for that subject.
- In order to access the live online lesson, students will need to use the Google Meet link in their year group classroom. If they do not have access to their year group Google Classroom, they can join using the codes below:
- Year 7 – yfgl4vs
- Year 8 – htx2a75
- Year 9 – 247zxak
- Year 10 – f4dl4w2
If you have any questions or queries on the day or before please speak to your SSM or your Assistant Principal.
Kind Regards,
Mr Alamu
Vice Principal
Dear Parents/Carers,
We are writing to you in regards to the strike day on Thursday 2nd March. To ensure that your child continues to receive the richest learning experiences, we will be delivering lessons online
The online sessions for Year 12 will be on Thursday 2nd March 2023: 08:45-15:15.
In order to support our students, we recommend that there is a quiet workspace for them to sit with a desk/table so that they can work effectively and free from distractions. They will need all their equipment for these lessons.
Year 12
- 08:45 to 09:00 – Study Skills
- 09:00 to 10:05 – IT/Eg/Bus
- 10:05 to 11:10 – IT/Eg/Bus
- 11:10 to 11:30 – Break
- 11:30 to 12:35 – IT/Eg/Bus
- 12:35 to 13:40 – EPQ/RL (independent)
- 13:40 to 14:10 – Lunch
- 14:10 to 15:15 – EPQ/RL (independent)
Students will follow the timetable above with lessons starting promptly at 08:45 and finishing at 15:15. Students will be able to access their online lessons via the Google Meet link through their Google Classrooms.
Year 12 Instructions for Live Online Lessons
- Your lessons will be streamed live through Google Meet and will follow the timetable above. Enter the class codes below to join the scheduled lesson for your year group. If the link appears not to work, keep trying every couple of minutes since it will only work once your teacher is online.
- Your camera and microphone must be off when you join the lesson. If you would like to ask a question, use the ‘chat’ box.
- Your teacher will not speak for the entire lesson but in the same format as face to face lessons will provide you with activities to complete in relation to your learning. Do not leave the Google Meet until your lesson is over. If you need help with your work, leave a message in the ‘chat’ box.
- You will need the normal learning equipment expected in the classroom to complete the work set. However, your teacher might direct you to resources on the Google Classroom for that subject.
- In order to access the live online lesson, students will need to use the Google Meet link in their year group classroom.
- T Level Engineering – ESP Classroom:
- Computer Science (both A level and T level) – Name of Classroom, Year 12, Online lesson for Mr Basit, New Classroom code: c33vfrm
- Business – Link will be provided on Routes to Success Lesson
- Engineering – 12 TL ESP, EAB classroom. (Employer Set project.) –
If you have any questions or queries on the day or before please speak to your SSM Mrs Wilton or myself.
Kind Regards,
Ms Syreeta Martin
Director of Learning for Post-16
Dear Parents/Carers,
We are writing to you in regards to the strike day on Thursday 2nd March. As you will be aware from our previous correspondence, we are expecting all Year 11 students to attend the Academy for a full school day. The timings of the day will remain as normal with students expected to arrive at school from 08:20, and depart at 15:15.
We have designed a bespoke curriculum for the day with a particular focus on exam preparation within core subjects, including their final Science PPE (mock). The timetable for Year 11 and 13 students will be as follows:
Year 11
- 08:20 to 09:00 – Study Skills
- 09:00 to 09:30 – Maths
- 09:30 to 11:10 – Science PPE
- 11:10 to 11:30 – Break
- 11:30 to 12:35 – English
- 12:35 to 13:40 – Option 3
- 13:40 to 14:10 – Lunch
- 14:10 to 15:15 – Option 2
Option 2
- Business Studies
- Computer Science
- DT
- Engineering
Option 3
- Art
- Engineering
- Electronics
- Health & Fitness
- PE
Year 13
- 08:20 to 09:00 – Study Skills
- 09:00 to 10:05 – Eg/EPQ/IAs
- 10:05 to 11:10 – Eg/EPQ/IAs
- 11:10 to 11:30 – Break
- 11:30 to 12:35 – Eg/EPQ/IAs
- 12:35 to 13:40 – Eg/EPQ/IAs
- 13:40 to 14:10 – Lunch
- 14:10 to 15:15 – Eg/EPQ/IAs
T Level students will be completing their Occupational Specialism controlled assessments in room 2.13 with Mrs. Rekhi.
If you have any questions or queries on the day then please contact your son/daughter’s PD mentor.
Kind Regards,
Mr Jack Davies
Assistant Principal
Mrs S Martin
Director of Learning for Post-16