Year 11 Easter Revision Sessions Letter

Empty seats and tables in an exam hall

Dear Parent/Carer,

Re.: Year 11 Easter Revision Sessions

As we move closer to the final part of year 11, we would like to make sure your child has the best opportunity of achieving their end destination, so we will be offering extra revision sessions during the coming Easter holidays. We only have five school weeks left before your child will start their GCSE exams, so it’s even more important that your child attends these Easter revision sessions to give them that extra support.

The half-term intervention sessions will run from April 3rd – April 14th 2023. Please see the timetable below:

Day / Date Subject Year Member of Staff (Code) Time (9am – 3pm) Room
Monday 3rd Maths H 11 JDA + 3 staff 10-12 2.21-2.29
Monday 3rd Maths F 11 JDA + 3 staff 12-2 2.21-2.29
Monday 3rd German 11 BSC 10-12pm 2.20
Tuesday 4th Science H 11 ABU 10-12 1.10
Tuesday 4th Science Separates 11 ABU 12:30-2:30pm 1.10
Tuesday 4th Science F 11 EWA 10-12 1.14
Tuesday 4th Science 11 PMA 10-12 1.17
Tuesday 4th German 11 BSC 9-1 2.21
Wednesday 5th Science 11 ABU 10-12 1.10
Wednesday 5th Science 11 LDE 10-12 1.14
Wednesday 5th Science 11 SAJ 10-12 1.17
Thursday 6th Health & Fitness 11 BYO 9 am – 11am 1.18
Thursday 6th GCSE PE 11 DCH 12-2pm 1.18
Thursday 6th DT 11 KPA 10am to 2pm 1.03
Thursday 13th History 11 THI & GAL 9-12 & 1-3 1.21
Friday 14th April English 11 AHA LDA 2-4 pm 2.19/2.16

As before, the interventions will be target-specific so your child will be bringing a letter home inviting them to attend selected intervention sessions. All sessions have been selected to support your child’s preparations for their exams. 

If you would like your child to attend any of the sessions on the timetable that they have not been invited to, they are more than welcome to join.

Thank you again for your continued support at this crucial time. If you have any questions regarding GCSEs, student destinations, UTC sixth form or general enquiries, please do not hesitate to contact me by emailing me at

Yours faithfully,
Ben Young | Director of Key Stage 4